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Things to Expect During the First Baby Ultrasound

Top 5 Things to Expect During Your First Baby Ultrasound

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

And welcome to the world of the pregnancy ultrasound.

Getting the news that you’re expecting is one of the best feelings in the world. But with that comes the responsibility to keep a check on the health and growth of the unborn baby. And that’s why you will be required to go to the hospitals for a safe and sound ultrasound.

But before you go, read here the top five things that you can totally expect during the pregnancy ultrasound.

1.     Feeling Over-emotional

For a first time mom-to-be, going through an ultrasound can be an emotional ride. You are poked with so many thoughts that it is hard to keep them at bay – am I really pregnant? Will I be ok? Is it going to be a boy or a girl?

And all of these confusing thoughts generate all sorts of emotions like excitement, nervousness, happiness, sentimentality and confusion. So, going through all of these emotions during the ultrasound is a given!

2.     Get to Know the Due Date

The most exciting part is to know when you will get the chance to hold your baby into your arms. With the information gathered through the pregnancy ultrasound, the doctor gives an idea when you will reach the 40-week mark to set a tentative due date.

However, you need to know that the due date doesn’t mean it is exactly going to be your delivery date. All the babies are different. Some prefer to come out before the due time while some may take longer to come into the world.

3.     Singleton, Twins or Triplets

During the first ultrasound, the doctor checks to see how many features he/she can identify. Some parents are given the surprise of the lifetime when they are showered with the good news of having twins or triplets.

Thus, the first ultrasound can be a chance to know if you are going to be a parent of one, two or three babies!

4.     Location of the Baby

During the first pregnancy ultrasound, the doctor will locate where the fertilized egg is implanted itself in the uterus. An abnormal implantation can lead to loss of the unborn baby or other complications. And in cases like these the egg has to be removed.

An expectant mother can also have a chemical pregnancy which means that the fertilized egg may not be entirely implanted in the uterus. All of these conditions are known in the first pregnancy ultrasound.

5.     See the Baby

The biggest moment of happiness during the ultrasound is when you get the physical verification of the existence of your baby. With the help of the ultrasound machine, you will see the tiny organs (which may resemble to a jelly bean) on the screen. And that surely will be the moment to shed some happy tears!

These are the top five things you are definitely going to experience during your baby ultrasound. Make it more worthwhile by visiting  Jack and Jill Fetal photos!